European Commission

European Commission


1. Information about the procurement

ICT Solution: E-ticketing and Distribution Platform

The Eurail Group SEED Project sought to develop a European standard for Rail E-tickets acceptable for 35 Eurail members across Europe which each used a different standard.

Key technologies:

  • Solution for ‘visual validation’ of an E-ticket including security features and barcode
  • Standard App for barcodes
  • Centralised distribution platform with an easy, quick and flexible API integration
  • Electronic travel diary

Type of innovation procurement: Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions – PPI

Timeframe: Dec 2016 – Dec 2017

Budget invested by the procurer: € 2.000.000,-

More information:

Scope: LINK
Information E-ticket solution:  LINK

Open market consultation:

Call for tender:

  • Tenderned EURAIL Group SEED : LINK
Project finalised.
Further in-house developments followed the closure of the procurement.

The developed solution within this project is a mobile pass. Eurail’s Mobile Pass is a paperless ticket that can be added instantly to one’s phone.
With everything on one app from planning the trip to boarding the train, one can explore 33 European countries with ease and enjoy more freedom than ever before.

2. Type of assistance provided by eafip

To the specific tender:
support in the selection of tenders and the implementation of a negotiated procedure.  

To the general procurement of the organisation:
best practices for innovation procurement, and contract management.

Project finalised.
Further in-house developments followed the closure of the procurement.

European Commission © European Union, 2150. This website is created with EU funding by Corvers, as contractor that is implementing the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement for the EU under procurement contract LC-01619918. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU. See copyright notice for more info on the conditions for reuse of content on this website. Corvers - Commercial & Legal Affairs