1. Information about the procurement
ICT Solution: Amsterdam’s Digital Front Door and My Health Info for healthcare and welfare
The Municipality of Amsterdam and Amsterdam University Medical Center, in cooperation with the Amsterdam Health Technology Institute (AHTI), will procure several digital services:
- A platform as an online digital front door for routing citizens with health-related questions to the best wellbeing/healthcare professionals with the use of generative AI. Some important features include (among others): communication (e.g. planning appointments), healthcare dashboard, consent manager and functioning as a technical backbone for other relevant functionalities.
- Personal dataspaces for collecting and sharing health and wellbeing data.
- Story Builder (from data to visual information): the collected data will also be used for constructing a personalized story of a citizen’s health and wellbeing that can be shared with professionals.
The innovation is in line with the Dutch policy in healthcare, such as the national Integral Healthcare Agreement (Integraal Zorg Akkoord) and the National Vision and Strategy of the Health Information System (Nationale Visie en strategie op het gezondheidsinformatiestelsel). Additionally, the innovation is in line with the regional plans of Amsterdam Vitaal & Gezond.
Key technologies:
- Generative AI
- Data spaces of health and wellbeing
- Personalised applications
- Digital health platform