European Commission

European Commission


1. Information about the procurement

ICT Solution: New Computing Machinery

SPRIND is the German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation. The SPRIND New Computing Machinery PCP aims to develop proof-of-concepts for novel computing hardware (processors). The computing hardware needs to rely on an architecture that is not the classical von-Neuman architecture and, in doing so, achieve substantial improvements in consumption of energy or space or exhibit substantial improvements in computing power. During the Challenge, first tape outs have to be conducted to test the new computer chips.

Key technologies:

  • Novel computer hardware
  • Computer chips

Ongoing project. Contract Notice publication date to be defined.

Procurer:  SPRIND

Type of innovation procurement: Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)

Timeframe: Contract Notice publication date to be defined.

Preliminary market consultation:  Expected Q3 2024  – to be planned

Budget invested by the procurer:  5 – 10M

More information:

2. Type of assistance provided by EAFIP

To the specific tender:

Drafting tendering documents with specific focus on the Intellectual Property Rights.

To the general procurement of the organisation:

Best practices for innovation procurement.

Ongoing project. Contract Notice publication date to be defined.

European Commission © European Union, 2150. This website is created with EU funding by Corvers, as contractor that is implementing the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement for the EU under procurement contract LC-01619918. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU. See copyright notice for more info on the conditions for reuse of content on this website. Corvers - Commercial & Legal Affairs