European Commission

European Commission

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The eafip Workshop for public procurers in the sector of transport and mobility (ministries, regional and local authorities, agencies, public bodies, etc.) was held at the Square – Brussels Meeting Centre in Brussels, Belgium on 16th June 2017. The aim of the event was to highlight the benefits of innovation procurement of ICT solutions through the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) approaches across Europe, with a particular focus on the above mentioned sector. The workshop featured:

  • Hands-on guidance on the steps in an innovation procurement.
  • Presentation of case examples and lessons learned.
  • Presentation / networking discussion on the eafip Toolkit (supporting you in preparing your innovation procurement).

The workshop was open to public contracting authorities who had a unique chance to openly discuss unmet procurement needs, innovation concepts, project ideas, and much more. All procurers had the opportunity to briefly present their ideas / plan / projects in the parallel sessions. Please note that this event was held in English.


Participants list


Presentations held during the event

Welcome speech

Filip Boelaert, Secretary-General of the Department of Mobility and Public Works, Flanders Region

Session 1: Introduction to innovation procurement – state of play around Europe

Lieve Bos, Policy Officer, Innovation Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Session 2: Innovation Procurement in the transport and mobility sector – PCP case examples and lessons learned

Wolfgang Zottl, Austrian Federal Railways Infrastructure Company (ÖBB)

Neil Widdop, Highways England – CHARM PCP

Session 3: Innovation procurement in the transport and mobility sector – PPI case examples and lessons learned

Ingeborg Ligtenberg, Rijkswaterstaat (Netherlands) – Sustainable reconstruction of the A6 motorway Leon Smith, Transport for London (UK) – PROLITE PPI

Session 4: BuyZET: using procurement strategically to promote zero urban emission delivery of goods and services

Simon Clement, Co-ordinator, Sustainable Economy and Procurement, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

Léon Dijk, the City of Rotterdam

Session 5: The eafip initiative – Presentation of the initiative and the eafip Innovation Procurement Toolkit

Songul Mutluer, Legal Procurement Advisor, Corvers Procurement Services & Ana Jaramillo, Legal Procurement Advisor, Corvers Procurement Servieces

Session 6: Main steps in an innovation procurement (including steps before the procurement)

Songul Mutluer, Legal Procurement Advisor, Corvers Procurement Services & Ana Jaramillo, Legal Procurement Advisor, Corvers Procurement Services

Session 7: Hands-on guidance roundtables and open discussions (parallel sessions)

Group 1. Steps during and after PCP procurements

Group 2. Steps during and after PPI procurements

European Commission © European Union, 2150. This website is created with EU funding by Corvers, as contractor that is implementing the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement for the EU under procurement contract LC-01619918. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU. See copyright notice for more info on the conditions for reuse of content on this website. Corvers - Commercial & Legal Affairs