European Commission

European Commission


Currently no new webinars are planned


Webinar Value Engineering in Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions:

Best Practices and Lessons Learned

17 September 2024  –  a 3,5-hour webinar workshop for public procurers, suppliers and policy makers

This webinar explained the methodology of Value Engineering and gave insights into how it can trigger innovation during the contract, improve value and produce cost saving.

For more information – click here

Webinar How to prepare an Innovation Procurement:

Best Practices and Lessons Learnt

30 May 2024  –  a 3,5-hour webinar workshop for public procurers, suppliers and policy makers

This webinar focused on how one can prepare for an Innovation Procurement project illustrating activities like a performing a needs assessment, market analysis, developing a business case and preparing tender documents through case examples of European projects.

For more information – click here

Webinar Innovation Procurement as a Catalyst
for the uptake of Security Research Outcomes

14 December 2023  –  a 2-hour webinar for European Digital Innovation Hubs and Seal of Excellence EDIHs, European public sector organisations, suppliers and policy makers

This webinar focused on how Innovation Procurement can act as a catalyst for the uptake of security research outcomes based on genuine needs, to speed up the digital transformation and enhance the security of citizens.

For more information – click here

Webinar Innovation Procurement for
European Digital Innovations Hubs

21 September 2023  –  a 2-hour webinar for European Digital Innovations Hubs (EDIHs)

This webinar introduced innovation procurement and explained how EAFIP can help EDIHs harness it to speed up the digital transformation.
Concrete examples of EDIHs that are already planning innovation procurement activities and lessons learned of successful innovation procurements were presented.

For more information – click here

EAFIP Presentation & Workshop at the
3rd iProcureNet 2023 Advanced Security Procurement Conference

16 March 2023  a 1-hour presentation

This presentation was hosted by the 3rd  iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference.
EAFIP contributed to the conference with both a presentation on 16 March as well as a (hybrid) workshop on 17 March.  The presentation on March 16th gave an introduction to Innovation procurement Rationals & Practice.

For more information – click here

Construction, infrastructure & energy innovations in ICT related projects

17 March 2023  a 2-hour webinar-workshopx

This 2-hour (hybrid) workshop showcased procurement cases on construction, infrastructure security & energy innovations in ICT related projects. The cases addressed relevant innovations implementing ICT solutions, sustainable aspects and security measures to safeguard infrastructure.
The webinar was hosted by the 3rd  iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference.

For more information and the replay of the webinar – click here


Automation of public services & Robotics:
how public authorities can deal with it

19 January 2023  a 3-hour webinar-workshop

This 3-hour workshop focused on the procurement of ICT solutions that deal with the automation of public services & robotics. What regulatory requirements shall Innovation Procurement projects consider? How can public procurers maximize the benefits throughout the cycle of the contracts? These and other questions were addressed by experts through examples.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


Introduction to Innovation Procurement

27 October 2022 a 1,5-hour webinar

This 90-minute webinar offered an introduction to Innovation Procurement specially addressed to eastern European countries and public procurers who start to explore and apply this instrument. The policy and legal foundations of Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovative solutions were discussed by experts and examples were showcased.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


Climate change: procure greener

6 October 2022 a 3-hour webinar-workshop

This 3-hour workshop focused on Innovation Procurement to tackle climate change challenges. How to procure greener? How will the new EU legislation impact your procurement? These and other questions will be addressed by experts in the field.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


Innovation Procurement:
Evaluation and testing: tools and methodologies

14 July 2022 a 1,5-hour webinar

In this 90-minute webinar good practices regarding evaluation and testing tools and methodologies in the context of Innovation Procurement were discussed. How to verify if solutions really tackle our needs? How to measure key performance indicators? Which tools and methodologies can help us achieve sustainability goals? Are there benchmarks and testing methods to validate innovative solutions? These and other questions were addressed by experts.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


Innovation Procurement:
Commercialisation of innovations to overcome the valley of death

12 May 2022  a 3-hour webinar-workshop

This 3-hour workshop focused on the cycle of innovation where new products and services are commercialised following the R&D phase.
It was discussed how breakthrough technologies can be supported to create new markets, and how to overcome the Valley of Death in alternative ways, such as Venture Capital in Pre-Commercial Procurement. In addition, examples of successful commercialisation plans were showcased.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


Innovation Procurement: Lessons learned from successful innovation projects

15 February 2022  –  4 hour webinar-workshop

This 4-hour workshop showcased innovation procurement projects (PCP & PPI ) and leading experiences to find about the lessons learned and key tools for the strategic use of innovation procurement to tackle challenges in different sectors.
The workshop featured the perspective of public buyers and suppliers who share their insights and outcomes of the procurement.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


Innovation Procurement: Cybersecurity & dual use

13 January 2022  (9:30 – 13:30 CEST)  –  4 hour webinar-workshop

This 4-hour workshop focused on how to strategically use innovation procurement in the field of cybersecurity and dual use. The topic was tackled from different perspectives, including ongoing policy initiatives in Europe and practical experiences from a number of interesting case studies. There was also the opportunity to ask questions and room for discussion.

For more information & a replay of the webinar – click here


The Management Perspective on Innovation Procurement of Data-Driven Solutions

15 December 2021 (10:30 – 12:00 CEST) – 1,5 hour webinar round table

Within this second EAFIP Round Table session a selection of top managers from several European Member States gave insights into the management aspects regarding innovation procurement of data-driven solutions. They shared their challenges and practical ways to succesfully tackle issues like privacy and security aspects, integration with existing platforms and monitoring.

For more information & a replay of this webinar click here


Strengthening EU Strategic Autonomy and Resilience through Innovation Procurement

16 November 2021  ( 9:30  –  13:30 CEST)
A 4-hour webinar workshop for European public buyers and policy makers

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted that Europe needs to increase its resilience to cope with supply chain disruptions and work on its strategic autonomy by reducing strategic technology dependencies on non-European solutions. This 4-hour workshop gave insight into how innovation procurement can strengthen Europe’s strategic autonomy and resilience. The topic was be tackled from different angles: explaining ongoing policy initiatives in Europe, the legal possibilities and practical experience from a number of case studies. There was lots of opportunity to ask questions and room for discussion.

For more information & a replay of this webinar click here


The Management Perspective on the

Benefits of Innovation Procurement

22 July 2021 (14:30 – 16:00 CEST) – 1,5 hour webinar

Within a digital round table setup a selection of top managers from Belgium, Greece and Spain gave insights into the benefits and positive side effects of Innovation Procurement.
They told us how Innovation Procurement can be part of a new organizational agile mind-set to optimize overall performance and services and  how it can create new dynamics with the market.
They shared their challenges and practical ways to tackle them successfully.

For more information and a replay of this webinar click here


Boosting economic recovery through Innovation Procurement

– What the European Assistance For Innovation Procurement can do for you –

18 May 2021  ( 9:30 – 13:30 CEST)
A 4-hour workshop webinar for European public buyers

This four-hours workshop webinar offered practical insights into how innovation procurement can play a key role in tackling the significant challenges the European public sector is facing nowadays – especially in the context of economic recovery following the COVID crisis, the Green Deal objectives, cybersecurity and other societal challenges.

For more information and a replay of this webinar click here


Opportunities to tackle the COVID-19 Crisis
through Innovation Procurement

– a legal and economic perspective –

3 April 2020 (11:00 – 12:00 CEST)  – 1-hour webinar for European contracting authorities

This one-hour webinar provided guidance to public buyers for how to proceed in the short- and middle/long-term periods in procuring the supplies and services required. The focus is on innovation procurements of ICT based solutions.

The eafip initiative organised numerous events and workshops in which procurers, policy makers and other stakeholders obtained first-hand knowledge about the possibilities that the European Commission offers to support PCP and PPI.

Three different kinds of events took place across the European Union:

Three annual major events on innovation procurement which targeted public procurers, policy makers, procurement law firms and businesses. The events raised awareness about major PCP and PPI initiatives across Europe and facilitated networking between stakeholders to discuss new ideas, best practices, initiatives and funding possibilities for PCP and PPI.

The first eafip Major Event was followed by a webinar; the webinar had an interactive character, allowing for discussions to flourish and for numerous questions to be answered.

Nine workshops aimed at procurers in different sectors of public interest. The hands-on workshops disseminated numerous good practice approaches. Participants acquired in depth knowledge, as well as practical experience in designing and undertaking a PCP or PPI procurement.

Three annual major events on innovation procurement targeted policy makers, procurers, procurement law firms and businesses. The events raised awareness about major PCP and PPI initiatives across Europe and organised networking between stakeholders to discuss new ideas, initiatives and funding possibilities for PCP and PPI.

Webinars supported the objectives of the major events. Each of the major events were followed-up by a webinar, which addressed relevant questions raised during the event or afterwards during the event survey phase. The webinars were interactive, allowing questions and discussions.

Nine workshops were aimed at procurers in different sectors of public interest. The hands-on workshops disseminated good practice approaches. Participants acquired practical experience in designing and undertaking a PCP or PPI procurement.

European Commission © European Union, 2150. This website is created with EU funding by Corvers, as contractor that is implementing the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement for the EU under procurement contract LC-01619918. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU. See copyright notice for more info on the conditions for reuse of content on this website. Corvers - Commercial & Legal Affairs